"DUCTING" - A Martine Grainey Original in X3D Stereo
- Details
- Category: Mars
- Written by David Gannett
- Hits: 874
“DUCTING” in X3D Stereo
A Martine Grainey Original
Curiosity Sol 618 MastCam
In collaboration with Researcher Emeritus Martine Grainey, MarsX3D is proud to offer a series of 3D realizations representing some of Ms. Grainey’s most compelling finds. These are her original renditions. Nothing has been changed, altered or added in any way other than to apply the process of planar extrapolation, rendering the image in X3D stereo.
Talk about non-fractal lines! This item from Curiosity Sol 618 mastcam really jumps out of the background and is large enough as well as close enough to get a decent rendering.
Let’s move from top left to bottom right. What may be rivets line the top edge of a large, box-like structure wedged against the rocks. What seems to be a spindle or roller projects in a squared fashion from the side closest to us. Notice its shape: much like a sewing thread spool. Directly across from the “spool” is an indistinct object that might have been its analog on the opposite side.
On the lower right end, a brace defines a square area within the “ducting”. Seen inside the squared-off area is a plate illuminated by sunlight, a knob of some kind projecting from its center.
Let’s face it, folks: this is NOT a rock! It appears to be industrial ducting, perhaps once part of a larger machine but most certainly not natural.
Ducting as well as broken and corroded machine parts litter the surface of Mars; literally hundreds of examples have been cited by reliable researchers. As more and more artifacts are left in NASA images for discovery by diligent anomalists, some speculate that this is all part of a “slow disclosure” movement within the agency.
Interested? Follow Martine’s site “Martian Genesis” on FaceBook where you will always get the first – and best – glimpse of the latest Martian discoveries!
Simple! While viewing the stereo pair at a comfortable distance, gently cross your eyes (no eye-strain) until you perceive three images all the same width. The one in the center is in 3D. Just relax into it and your eyes will automatically bring it into focus. Once you have it, you will never forget how to do it. Kinda like riding a bicycle…
For another, more detailed method of viewing X3D stereo, click HERE.
(Click image for full size)