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Category: Mars
Written by JoeWhite ArtalienTV
Hits: 5053
A very clear alien - Martian cone-head skull on Mars here. Just sitting on a ridge in Gale Crater. Very similar to some you might see from Peru on Earth. It's over a foot long - perhaps 18 inches or more in length with an eye, a nose, lips, teeth, jaw, ear showing.
NASA IMAGE LINK: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=0711ML0030270000304691E01_DXXX&s=711
Wealth of Evidence - ArtAlienTV 2014
With now hundreds of clear Mars alien humanoid and animal remains, dozens of wrecked boats, aircraft and vehicles with carved and manufactured artefacts discovered in recent months ArtAlienTV and other notable Mars anomaly channels now have what seems to be indisputable evidence for a past civilization on Mars.
Yet the mainstream media and scientific community are still reluctant to admit that there is any evidence for past Mars life.
Only blurred, distant and easily disputed finds ever make the press. There is still a constant feed of nonsensical articles about drilling holes in pebbles to find water when there are alien remains and artefacts right in front of the Mars rovers in almost every other set of images.
No one on Earth to date has ever given me one single good reason why there should not be life on Mars either past or present.
There is a constant barrage of trolls declaring that there is nothing but rocks on Mars even though they have done no research what so ever on the matter.
Hatred and xenophobia is still rife on this planet and it now seems to be extending to our near planetary neighbours. Many people are reluctant to even contemplate life on a near planet like Mars and would rather it was much further away to be an issue for them.
This intellectually immature attitude stretches throughout society and is probably the reason for agencies like NASA keeping a lid on this evidence.
99% of all the Mars images we get are over compressed and resized in such a way as to destroy the data on all but the closest and largest finds.
But researchers around the world with good image enhancing skills and keen eyes are still managing to squeeze out a surprising amount of detailed information from these deliberately obfuscated and mainly poor quality images. Speaking for my channel, I now have so much smoking gun evidence that my smoke alarm has had to be deactivated.
Do people really believe that NASA would spend billions of dollars sending multiple rovers to Mars just to drill a hole in some pebbles?
A lie if repeated often enough is often even believed by the liar himself!
A convenient lie is easier to believe than an inconvenient truth!
Keep searching. JoeWhite: ArtAlienTV - MARS ZOO