Are UFO's to Blame for Strange Contrails Over Russia??

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(Credit:Elisha Ponomaryov)

In the city of Biysk in Russia, there are some who believe UFO's are to blame for strange contrails in the sky.

A witness to the strange formation of contrails managed to get photos and also stated,"It was early in the morning and there were not many people on the streets but those that were there pointing at the sky and I realised there were these strange rings." Most people that were witness to these anomalies speculate that they were simply Army planes and even UFOs. But according to Metro UK, "Some of those who witnessed their creation claimed that they had seen three spherical yellow spheres flying in a chaotic pattern which had caused the rings."

Another witness, Zemfira Bocharova, said: "I saw them at 6:25 a.m. and there were four. One of them was particularly bright and two others were flying parallel with that- and the fourth one was at a different angle and further away from the other three." And then came the humorous speculation. Some online have accused a Natural Phenomenon for the contrails, yet they don't enlighten us as to what that "Natural Phenomenon" may be. Another alleged witness claimed that it was smoke from a fallen meteorite that had hit the ground and exploded.

The local media blamed the rings on a satellite that was recently launched to provide communication services for T.V. in Russia and Asia.

( Picture of Biysk, Russia. Credit:Google)

Very First UFO Watch Scheduled for Yucatan

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(Image caught of UFO. Courtesy of Yucatan Times)

The Yucatan Peninsula has a long history of UFO sightings. Especially along the coastal areas and in Progreso. Alot of Ancient Alien theorists believe the sightings go clear back to Mayan times, and maybe even before. But for the first time in the State of Yucatan, an "Alerta ONVI" or "UFO Alert" will be held.




Map of Yucatan Peninsula.Credit: Google)

"Alerta ONVI" or "UFO Alert" are events that UFO enthusiast and researchers get together to watch the skies in hopes of recording the sighting that could change everything! They have grown rather popular all over the world in countries like Spain, France, etc. This event is scheduled for December 27th, 2014, from 8:30 p.m. in the City of Ticul. The specific site is called "La Sierrita," located in Colonia San Benito of the city.

Attendants are expected to arrive at 8:30p.m. and stay till 4:00 a.m.. Be prepared to be in the presence of thousands of people as well as T.V. cameras covering the event. Part of the unwritten rules is not to bring any food or beverages except water, as the meeting is not a picnic or party.

I.S.S. Laser Incident Debunked??

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Just recently on December 5th, 2014, a live feed from the I.S.S. showed a flashing red light. This almost instantly caused all types of hype around the video of the feed. Alot of claims came forward of a UFO beaming lasers down to Earth in an effort to communicate. Anyone who knows me or has read anything tht I write, knows very well that i'm a believer in Extraterrestrial life. But I admit, after watching this video, I didn't see the clear-cut evidence pointing to an E.T. craft making an attempt to hit Earth with a laser.

Really my first question in my mind was if it was OPAL? Admittingly, I couldn't remember the name OPAL to save my own butt, but I knew back in early June they were testing the live video and had success. And if you remember, The Antares rocket that exploded at Wallup a little while back supposedly had "Top Secret" encrypting equipment from the C.I.A. loaded onto it. Always was curious as to whether that equipment had anything to do with OPAL?

I.S.S. mission manager, Mathew Abramson, is the gentleman who claims this is what was witnessed on the feed, and goes on to describe how it all works. OPAL-" Is four lasers from the ground beamed up to the I.S.S., which are easily picked up by OPALS beacon at night, but difficult to do so during the day." To fix this problem, new software has been developed to boost OPAL's daytime capabilities.

Whether this is, or isn't what happened that day on December 5th, we may never know for sure. I'd like to be able to believe what NASA has to tell us, but we all know they haven't been exactly truthful with the public in the past. My goal is to make positive contributions to the Ufology field anyway that I can. If anything more developes on this story, you'll be the first to know!

Exciting New Case Out of Fairfax, Vermont

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This case is basically transcribed right out of MUFON's report with minor word changes. But this is a very good case with good descriptions of flight characterics and object movements, along with multiple witnesses.

  (picture of Fairfax, Vermont. Credit:Google)

On December 4th, 2014 at 9 P.M. a man was excercising when he noticed a bright light. So he goes up a flight of stairs to the front porch. Before noticing any type of detail, he notes feeling an extreme sense of dread. He goes on to state." I looked up toward the sky at a 45 degree angle, directly away from our house, towards Vermonts highest mountain peak. In the near distance, perhaps a half mile from where I was standing, I saw an extremely bright object pulsating red and blue lights, bouncing around slightly."

The witness decides to go back inside to find his wife to watch it together. Once he finds her, they return to the front porch. He explains what happens next. "At the same moment I noticed another similiar bright object to the North, but this object became a secondary consideration to us because it was partially obscured by tree branches near our window and appeared to be farther away and at a higher altitude." The witness then decides to go after his telescope and deploy it towards the objects, this is what he saw. "When I returned, I noticed a light on the ground directly below the UFO in a location that I knowto be a patch of cow pasture void of any structures. I quickly found the UFO in my telescope lens. What I saw shocked me to my core."

"The object was disc shaped, bright, colorful, pulsating and bouncing. The pulsating red and blue lights appeared to come from within the craft, passing out through its walls. I then found the light on the ground below the craft and saw i was cylindrical, orangish yellow and was illuminating a white angular object which sat closer to my house on the grass."

Back to the object in the sky. "When my wife again examined the craft, she asked, what isthat other the air, closer to us, in the bottom right corner of another, mostly black and camouflaged object, perhaps 2 or 300 yards closer to us. I watched this object for 10 minutes or longer and noticed it was slowly rocking around and up and down. ( TIME OUT-If you just read my article on the forestry workers in WA that witnessed the disc taking the elk, it was displaying the same characteristics, the "wobbling" GAME ON!) On several occasions, I could clearly see that the bright, pulsating disc was casting enough light on the angular craft to illuminate 2 corners of what appeared to be triangular black craft."

Just then the witnesses became aware the object on the ground disappeared.

 (Could this be one of the UFOs witnessed? credit: Google)

"Then I noticed the pulsating disc was calmer-more stationary and less bright. The red light, especially, was most or entirely gone and the craft appeared to settle into a lower-energy state. The triangular craft remained in the same position for another 30 mintes." "Immediately prior to going to bed, I saw that the disc and the triangle had both changed their positions. The disc was now higher, perhaps directly above the triangle, which was hovering with its underside pointing directly at my window. I saw one faint, circular light at each of the three corners."

Ironically, their neighbor witnessed the same incident they come to find out. "This individual informed me that she had seen an object at 9 P.M. on December 3rd and 4th. I knew this meant that the object might return soon, and watched out my window the night of the 5th. Two bright pulsating objects appeared shortly before midnight, at least one half mile further than the previous night. I watched for over an hour as they appeared to follow a grid pattern slightly above the tree tops near a river."

Fairfax, Vermont isin Franklin county and has a population of 4,285 people.


Stand Out UFO Cases You May or May Not Believe!!

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AS of late, my research has brought me across cases that just straight up make the hair stand up on my neck. And the best part, they're real! They come from sober-minded people that in my analysis are extremely trustworthy and very lucky to have witnessed such events.

The first case i'm mentioning actually took place February 25th, 1999 at 1158 hrs in Longview,Washington. Its a little older than I planned on bringing to light, but the circumstances demand me to bring this to my much appreciated readers!

Fourteen forestry workers were working out in the forest of Washington state planting seedling trees. Three of these workers witnessed a small, disc shaped object slowly drift over a nearby ridge to their south, and descend into the valley to the North of their position. The object descended with no sound but with what appeared to be a purposeful manner. They also noted how the disc had a slight "wobble" to its flight. (A little note for you, thats a real good indication of anti-gravity) The three workers at first thought that it may be a parachute drifting out of the sky, but very quickly realized that this was not the case. Eleven more workers were on sight so the three workers souted to the rest of them. The other eleven workers were on the North-facing hillside. Soon, all 14 workers were watching the object for approx 3-5 minutes. Within seconds of the first initial observation of the disc, the workers noticed that the disc was heading in the same direction of a herd of elk that they had been watching all morning. They watched the disc successfully approach the herd without spooking them off. The object apparently got within a very short distance before the herd became aware and started to scatter. Most f the herd took off to the east up the slope. One of the elk seperated from the pack like they usually do and started trotting due North along a mountain road or logging road. The witnesses report at this point, the disc moved right over top of the seperated elk. It seeed to then lift the elk right off the ground underneath the disc, although th witnesses said there wasn't any tye of hoisting device in sight. It appeared to just beam itself up to the bottom of the disc.

(photo of incident sight and path of object after the getting the elk. credit:

The forestry workers also note that when this elk was lifted off the ground, the disc began to "wobble" to a more pronounced degree than it was actually displaying on its descent to the herd. They also state that as the craft gained altitude, the elk began to move in a circular motion while suspended under the craft. The craft itself seemed to grow insize after picking up the elk. Wih the elk still suspened below it, the craft began a slow ascent up the eastern slope, apparently brushing the tree tops for a short time until it made a course correction and reversed itself to the west. While it made its correction, a witness described seeing it spin 360 degrees as it gained slight altitude. After the craft cleared the ridges, it agained changed back to the easterly direction and started a steep ascent into the sky  to where the object and its captured prey disappeared into the sky.

The witnesses concluded by stating they did not see any type of door or hatch under the craft under the craft so they're really not sure how the UFO pulled the elk inside. The rest of the day they noticed the herd stayed a little bit closer to each other than they were before the disc showed up. As it were, the workers stayed a little closer to each other as well!

The amount of evidence and detail the workers gave was outstanding. Cases like this with so many witnesses that literally risk their jobs by coming forward are for real and to be taken quite seriously. I have another case for you that also took place inte outdoors, but just recently. For those of you that enjoy hunting or just being in the woods, this is another case for you!

Have you ever been out in the woods and just taken the time to absorb the scenery and the sounds all around you? It's liberating, at least it is until you find out that something is tracking you down without warning.

This happened to a young gentleman on November 16th, 2014 in the woods of Gilson, Illinois. The hunter states that it was about 3:30 p.m. and he was out hunting deer in central Illinois. He was facing west on the east side of a draw with the wind blowing out of the west. This was on purpose to be downwind of the deer. At that moment, he saw a small object come down to about 4 feet in front of him. At first, he thought it was a spider or something to that effect. After staring at the object, he quickly realized that it wasn't a bug or insect or anything like that. It was a round ball, just slightly smaller than a marble. It was brownish, irredescent color, like motor oil.

(picture of Gilson, Illinois. credit:Google)

The ball hovered in front of the man at eye level, about 4 feet directly in front of him. It was moving up and down and side to side about 6 inches as if it was trying to stay stable in the breeze that was blowing in his face. But the ball never gave into the wind and came closer to his face. He instantly grabbed the side of his tree stand with his left hand to stabilize himself to keep from falling. Then with his right hand he tried to grab the object. The ball instantly dropped level with his feet and staying 4 feet out and then started hovering again. He sat back down and the ball rose above eye level approx 1 foot. The ball slowly went up and down and started hovering in front of him again. So, again he grabs the stand with his left hand and as he started to reach out again, the ball instantly dropped and in a curving angle away from him and into the wind. He then lost sight of the ball.

With the wind blowing towards him, the ball stayed in the same area the whole time, not affected by the wind. For at least 20 seconds  the ball was present. In hunting season, the weather is generally to cold for the woods to have an abundance of insects or spiders in them and the hunter knew this. In his initial call to report this, you could hear it in his voice that he was seriously perplexed by this incident. And for good reason. Put yourself in his shoes.

Information on these stories came from Please check out the site for many more cases just like the two listed above.

UFO Sighting Reports Down in November

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According to MUFON, UFO sightings as a whole have gone down 30% in November 2014. Maine was the highest reporting state by population with 3.01 sightings per million population. The stats were released from MUFON on December 1st.

Unfortunately, my neighboring state of West Virginia that kept me so busy in the month of October, took a fairly steady decline in sightings and ended up ranking 4th for November 2014. A very far cry from October 2014 when it was ranked #1. The state of Nevada ranked 2nd with 2.54 sightings per million population.

The UFO alert rating system is based on five levels-1 through 5- where stats with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated Alert 1; 3.01-4.0 reports are on Alert 2; 2.51-3.0 are on Alert 3; 2.01-2.5 are on Alert 4; and states with 2.0 or lower are rated on Alert 5. Leaving population out of the equation, the top reporting states for November 2014 with 16 or more reports were: California 44; Pennsylvania 17; and Texas with 16.

As far as the type of objects reported, the sphere is at the top of the list with 88 November cases. Discs, 57; Triangle, 56; unknowns, 45; other, 42; star-like, 40; circle, 34; oval, 22; cylinder, 20; Boomerang, 20; fireball, 20; N/A, 18; square-rectangle, 14; cigar, 13; diamond, 8; egg shaped, 8; flash, 8; bullet-missile, 6; blimp, 5; chevron, 4; cone, 4; saturn-like, 3; teardrop, 3; cross, 2.

There were 25 landings, hoverings, or take-offs reported and 1 entity observed. For more information on specific cases or recent news on MUFON, please check out They take things very seriously there and are in the process of some serious upgrading.


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Thank you to everyone who has stuck by the YouTube channel and to all of our admins and forum users here on the channel.   They really have kept the website current while I have been busy taking care of things in my personal life.   I promised that the next video would be a long one and have a LOT to look at.  You can get lost in these Gigapans and I really hope that you do!  I spent a lot of time stitching these together and making sure that they were the best quality that I could get them.  SOL 1448 really has been a goldmine for anomaly hunters and those people who are just hobbiest.  I really hope you enjoy this one and expect much more to come from the latest batches of images!



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