"ENFOLDED" in X3D Stereo
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- Category: Mars
- Written by David Gannett
- Hits: 705
“ENFOLDED” - in X3D Stereo
Curiosity Sol 2454 ML-B MastCam
As detailed in Will Farrar’s excellent video (see below this post), Neville Thompson’s beautiful gigapan of Curiosity sol 2454 has a scattering of compelling anomalies. Likewise, I felt compelled to invest the time in extracting the 3D data for your consideration.
Our context view reveals a rugged, bouldered plain stretching into the distance. Down in the lower left corner, a rectangular shape invites a closer look.
Zooming in, our detail view shows a strangely-enfolded artifact. Its shape, the ninety-degree angles and the overall presentation shout “Artificial!”. The two items behind it likewise demonstrate possibilities of having been manufactured but are more ambivalent, their features a bit too blurred and shadowed to positively assign artificiality.
What was/is this strange item? A baffle to stabilize liquids? Something like a cooling device for a machine? A broken container of some kind? Absent on-site examination, we are only left to speculate.
Simple! While viewing the stereo pair at a comfortable distance, gently cross your eyes (no eye-strain) until you perceive three images all the same width. The one in the center is in 3D. Just relax into it and your eyes will automatically bring it into focus. Once you have it, you will never forget how to do it. Kinda like riding a bicycle…
For another, more detailed method of viewing X3D stereo, click HERE.
(Click for full-sized image)