The RockNest From Curiosity Rover Part 1 of 4 -
- Details
- Category: Mars
- Written by Will Farrar
- Hits: 1852
Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 - The RockNest photo released by NASA has to be one of the most intriguing photos that I have seen from Mars. My subscribers think this as well because I get about 4 emails a week with more anomalies and information on this photo! Thank you to everyone who has sent me their personal list of RockNest anomalies. After I am done all 4 parts of this video I will be done with the RockNest and on to bigger and brighter things! This video is very long as will the other 3 sections be as well. I am going to try to get them done this weekend but you know how I am and it may take a little longer. I am done coloring in the picture. Here is the link to the RockNest picture on NASA:
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Copyright NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems - Thank you for the amazing pictures!
UFO photo's you took? NASA photo's from Mars? Anything you have I am willing to take a look at!
Request that I review a picture or send me a video tip by emailing me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and sending me what you have along with the links!