Mars Warrior Skull in Helmet & Alien Animal Skulls
- Details
- Category: Mars
- Written by JoeWhite ArtalienTV
- Hits: 2062

A very clear ancient alien skull in a warrior helmet with hair and a beard on Mars in Gale Crater. This one looks human like in appearance and has a dent in his helm as if hit by a hammer or mace.
There are also some strange Mars alien animal skulls on show here. One resembles a Monkey, two possible Birds, a marine mammal like an Orca perhaps and maybe a dinosaur of some alien description.
NASA image links:
Visit the MARS ZOO - ArtAlienTV and see hundreds of Mars aliens, animals, and strange ancient alien artefacts.
Download Backing Music "Interstellar Recon" by - Noiselab Project -Here:
Complete Alien Corpse: Mars Dead Soldier Found: MARS ZOO 2014. "Carthage" ArtAlienTV 1080p
Alien Denial Syndrome - ADS
Aliens are real and they are active in our own solar system.
Anyone who denies this fact has ADS.
Alien Denial Syndrome is a totally normal response that most people use to protect themselves from fear of the unknown.
Modern humans have much to fear already without having to worry about aliens as well. Living day to day and protecting and feeding your family is hard enough.
It is a normal human response to information overload.
People in power like to maintain this state of denial as it suits them very well.
In order to keep their illusion of control they have to keep any alien presence a secret. You can't admit that your billion dollar air defence systems are being flouted on a regular basis by UFO's and still rape the tax payer to pay for these grossly over priced defences.
Scientists on the whole go along with this state of affairs as it also suits them rather well. Many of them work in the defence industry that sells the expensive missiles, aircraft and RADAR to the government at extortionate prices.
Those scientists who don't work in defence are usually funded directly by government and are also encouraged to keep their views on aliens quiet.
This may go to some way to explain NASA's silence on the thousands of alien artefacts and remains that have been found in the millions of Rover images sent down from Mars by researchers like myself in recent years.
Anyone who says they are all just rocks on Mars either has never looked at the massive amount of evidence or has an ulterior motive. Whether for religious or social reasons makes little difference. But religion has much less to lose than Scientists and Government officials do when the ball finally drops. But they may use aliens as en excuse to increase military budgets in the future.
Instead of all the anti Russian and Muslim propaganda it will be the little aliens that get the megalomaniac media treatment for decades.
All the while politicians keep the lid shut tight. Protecting themselves and the scientists from a public backlash and the public from the truth.
In the mean time I shall carry on publishing the huge spaceships, buildings, artefacts and alien remains found on Mars and the Moon with help from a growing army of subscribers and researchers from around the globe.
I have recently formed a group called IMARS. Perhaps the worlds first digital trade union to help protect researchers and the public.
International Mars Anomaly Research Society - Protecting the public from fakes and researchers from plagiarism, fraud & troll abuse.
Good luck and keep searching!
CO CHAIRMAN: Will Farrar: whatsupinthesky37
Any problems with troll abuse? Need advice on copyright issues? We are here to help for free -- IMARS 2014
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