- Details
- Category: Mars
- Written by JoeWhite ArtalienTV
- Hits: 3517
What may be a large obelisk or tower structure on Mars with some other building structures nearby in this high quality HiRISE image from the Mars Orbiter.
A stunning image to look at - well worth downloading.
There are a lot more building foundations in this HiRISE image - see if you can find them!
Image Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
The Square Wheel Society
I have now decided to only look out of the back of my house and deny the existence of cars. I will also never look upwards again and ignore aircraft in a bid to be more pure and unsullied follower of the square wheel society in the face of ever encroaching technology.
I will also ignore the massive amount of evidence for past life on Mars because it's too hard for my small brain to cope with.
Evidently this is what some people do when viewing my channel. Burying their heads in the sand in a vague effort to save themselves from something slightly harder than ordering a low quality burger containing meat of unknown origin from a local fast food chain.
Luckily for me there is a large and growing army of subscribers who give me hope and encouragement to keep on publishing these often outlandish and controversial finds that many people initially find a little too fantastic for comfort.
In months and years to come they will see that what has been revealed by my channel and other notable Mars channels is very close to the bone - hence the knee jerk reaction of many trolls and other childish YouTubers.
Will this description halt the tirade of abuse - I doubt it as many of these trolls can't even read or just choose not to.
Perhaps I should replace the alphabet with pictograms of burgers and designer brands to make a new troll language that could be understood by even the most hardcore ignoramuses.
If you are one of these - please write to me - I just love the UPPER CASE SHOUTING THAT YOU DO - which will often result in an immediate ban from my channel and the spelling age of a dead badger that was run over by a truck carrying meat of unknown origin.
You could get an adult or policeman to read this for you perhaps - but you probably wouldn't believe the translation anyway and attack the messenger.
It's like slagging off Bigfoot - you know he will never read this! Ooh hang on? I promise not to mention your wife's excessive facial hair again - Doh!
Please take this burger by way of apology - in fact - take the whole truck load!
Keep searching. JoeWhite: ArtAlienTV - MARS ZOO