MARS SPARROW BIRD? Almost Squashed by Curiosity Rover. ArtAlienTV
- Details
- Category: Mars
- Written by Joe White ArtalienTV
- Hits: 1876
Not far from the "Mars Traffic Light" object there seems to be what looks like a little Mars sparrow bird cowering in fear between the Curiosity Rovers wheels. This tiny bird is only about 1 or 2 inches and has good camouflage, but his little beak and eye are quite clear when you look a bit closer. His left wing, tail and foot also.
Does this little bird feed on the flies at the bottom of Mount Sharp? See my previous video for evidence of his possible food source.
(Above image) Is this a little bird? Rocks don't have eye and beak detail like that do they?
See the Mars insects / flies here:
This image was taken by Front Hazcam: Right B (FHAZ_RIGHT_B) onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 753 (2014-09-18 16:17:10 UTC).
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Image link:
It may well just be a rock as no doubt NASA will say but I have found many bird remains up there but most are very old and fossilized.
Thanks to TheGhostBoxer for the link and tip off here - great stuff - well spotted dude - Link here:
DOWNLOAD BACKING TRACK HERE: From the channel first to publish the "MARS TRAFFIC LIGHT" - ArtAlienTV