Fragments Of Destroyed Martian Civilization - Curiosity Rover
- Details
- Category: Mars
- Written by Will Farrar
- Hits: 2813
By no means are we looking at a smoking gun as to life on Mars here but we are looking at what I see is more evidence of handmade stonework, metalwork and other various objects destroyed by a catastrophe that was able to pulverize major areas of civilzation into small pieces of debris. The devastation that Mars must have endured was tremendous. Thanks to my good friend Kjell for sending over this image. I would like to take a moment and ask everyone to send our good friend Ben Evans from the WUITS forum some healing vibes. He suffered a heart attack recently and we are all pulling for him! He has been a great source of friendship, information and thoughts on the forum. Much love to you all.
Just like most Mars Anomaly images there is always a lot of people who come and watch and have already judged the video before even watching. I ask you to please open your mind and watch the following video and view the enhanced versions of each anomaly below before rendering judgment!
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
YouTube User: WhatsUpInTheSky37
First I would like to take a moment and ask if everyone send some loving energy and prayers to our good friend Ben Evans who is a moderator on the forums. He suffered a heart attack recently and we wish him a speedy recovery. He has shared so much great information in our forums it will be strange without him here while he is recovering. As for this image by no means do we have a smoking gun as to prior live on Mars but we have exactly what one would think they need to find after a civilization was blown to pieces by the major event that destroyed these areas. Thanks to Kjell for sending this image over. We have a LOT of small symmetrical artifacts scattered all over the place along with various rocks and what look to be metals. Let me know what I missed and make sure you check out the Enhanced images on the WUITS Article!
NASA Link:
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WUITS Enhanced Images:
Thank you for taking your time to read this article and even if you do not agree with my findings I still hope that you enjoyed the video! A thank you is also in store to everyone who has helped with the spacial images and has spent their time researching these taboo subjects so we can all move forward with more information and understanding. If you have a space image or something else related that you would like analyzed feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit for more contact information and more space anomalies.
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