file More Articles Regarding Ancient Martian Civilizati

10 years 1 month ago #446 by Badsneaker
I think this article has been brought up before. The think is, this time there's an announcement about the physicist publishing a paper in the peer-reviewed Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.

It appears to me the public is being prepared for a major change to the history of our species. More so than even in the past. Based on Dr John Brandenburg's stated locations of the nuclear blasts, can we find any evidence to support or debunk his findings in any of the images we are researching? The damage resulting from a nuclear blast would be radially outward from point zero, and gradually decrease in relation to the distance from point zero.


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10 years 1 month ago #447 by Badsneaker
I was just thinking...

If there really were nuclear detonations at the two sites indicated by Dr John Brandenburg, it would of course be a simple matter of determining the
from the half-life of the current radiation levels exactly when the detonations took place. This would be especially true if we were indeed measuring the radio-active levels at the two epicenters.

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