I am not the biggest expert on the whole UFO stuff, i've just started following several things in the past year and a half and found some credible stuff, I am aware of all the fakery out there and the whole UFO stuff is just riddled with so much fakery, I just didn't put effort into researching it in the past.
I think you said all the right things, you recognized that all these images could be fakes on purpose and we could be looking at pictures from obama's back yard or something, among other things. And the whole 233KB JPEG idea is such a joke anyways.
That's that.
I guess you can make a video commenting on that or something, as I don't really know what are you aware or not aware, I've never heard of the mars monolith.
Secondly, you are welcome to search around the OB channel on the NWO stuff, I know that you do not understand the whole "new world order" thing as you said in one of the videos, so the clips may be confusing since you may not know some of the terms mentioned but anyways it's specifically about the nasa stuff so I thought you could take what you don't know and learn from it.
And I guess you've been mostly on the nasa - image anomally side ("UFOStuff") , but I am right the opposite, I'm an expert on that side of things but not on the UFOs. You probably seen the hordes of youtube videos proclaiming AJ as some crazy insane lunatic and all the troll videos which are edited to make him look bad - or information ommited - or heavy jumping to conclusions.
Now that's exactly the purpose of the channel is to get up all the good clips the trolls and AJ detractors would never talk about, I just found nobody doing this (or they're too low profile for me to find) so I'm doing it myself, you can educate your self on the whole new world order side of things if you wish, you'd save a lot of time too because you can search the clips very effectively for a specific subject, they're all tagged very well, sometimes the channel search function won't work, did work in the past but I don't know what happened so you'd need to go on the Videos page and load all of them and use ctrl+F search to find however that doesn't search tags (some tags are in description) Also the videos are many times short and it's mostly rare and interesting stuff that is mentioned is very valuable but never gets much attention, some of the videos are longer summaries and those are good for learning as well, but It's very time consuming, so ... I mean i have like a whole month recorded and about 50 videos ready to upload and haven't done it yet, i prioritized this clip just for the purpose of putting it here in the thread.
What's the purpose of a UFO researcher knowing the rest ? - because everyone's more effective if we all know the big picture, there are many ufostuff researchers that don't know the larger picture and expect some "government disclosure", that's never going to be done due to " researcher pressure" - it will be planned for a specific purpose and I do not believe it will benefit humanity in any social or economic way.
You also need to keep in mind that NASA was founded by Nazis, and there's more to it but I haven't researched enough on that to speek freely and accurately here. I do cringe when researchers think they're going to get a response from nasa employees by emailing them their findings, I think that is actually detrimental because it gives the finding the attention so they may censor it better next time.
Lastly if you would like any future explanations on the "big picture" just ask me, if you're super serious I can reserve more time, but I am more confortable doing that via real-time chat otherwise it's too slow and ineffective to cover large amounts of information and topics.
That said, the OB channel's more for archival, so you can respond here, I try to keep it low-profile to not get attention from the establishment, I would also like to ask you to not reference my channel if you're going to make a video about it, thanks. AJ does upload most of the stuff to his YT account however most of it is manytimes cut, spliced and poorly tagged and labeled - that is probably because of the sheer amount of information so I tolerate it. Also any visitors going to the YT link solely to discuss only about alex jones himself will be deleted. Discuss it here or elsewhere if you want.
EDIT; Oops didn't want to put this into Suggestion Box, EDIT2: but then again it looks like there's no better choice.