file The Builders

4 years 11 months ago #15359 by Todd
Replied by Todd on topic The Builders

The work of anomaly seekers in pointing out anomalies is invaluable. Their individual interpretation of what it is their are looking at will always depend on the current state of their own research, which will naturally evolve as they make more observations. That's just the way things are.

In a general sense, I agree with you. However, there are the occasional exceptions. For an example I will link Keith Laney's Hidden Mission article, " Whole Lot of FAKING Going On... " here.

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4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #15360 by tika
Replied by tika on topic The Builders
I understand. Since I'd never heard of him, I took a few minutes to look at the site ... AAARGGHH!!! His approach is exactly what I try to avoid. Thankfully, I will never have to quote him, since he appears to only use finds made by others. That makes him more a debunker than a researcher. Then there is also the tone he uses to try and ridicule perfectly good observations. Makes one wonder what is his true intent behind his publications.

Anyway, his attitude towards researchers and seekers makes him a terrible debunker, to say the least. That is unless he is going for the 5 to 10 year-old crowd. Being respectful will never prevent me for calling out BS when I see it.

That said, there is one researcher I will not quote anymore, and that's Bruce Sees All. Partly because of his attitude towards our community, partly because that's the best way to avoid him claiming any kind of copyright infrigement on research that is of public interest.

Talking about copyrights and such. Everything I've posted so far and whatever will come from further research is OPEN SOURCE/COPYLEFT. If anyone feels the need to comment/expand on any of the materia/ideas presented here, please do.

Contrary to what NASA/JPL/Google seem to think, knowledge and information belong to everyone. Espêcially when it comes to our own History and our own planet. I personally view their attempts to hide some details from us as a criminal act, a declaration of war against humanity. I know some of them are closely monitoring this site, to them I'll say this: expect the Truth to eventually come out in all its splendor, and expect consequences from your machinations, past and present.
Last edit: 4 years 11 months ago by tika.

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4 years 11 months ago #15361 by Todd
Replied by Todd on topic The Builders

I understand. Since I'd never heard of him, I took a few minutes to look at the site ... AAARGGHH!!! His approach is exactly what I try to avoid. Thankfully, I will never have to quote him, since he appears to only use finds made by others. That makes him more a debunker than a researcher. Then there is also the tone he uses to try and ridicule perfectly good observations. Makes one wonder what is his true intent behind his publications.

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4 years 11 months ago #15385 by tika
Replied by tika on topic The Builders
Paris Tosens' point of view on the subject... Very interesting monologue, and a very welcome different pont of view on the phenomenon.

Here a link to his Youtube Channel: Stelan TV

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4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #15394 by tika
Replied by tika on topic The Builders
This is a verbatim copy of a post I made in this colunm:
I really did not want to merge these observations together,so quickly but they are very much linked...

This is embarassing. I really did not want to get into this, but I must. Rocks are one thing, they can be touched, they are rather concrete. I can see one giant anomaly from my window, It sits on top of the Pyreneans and goes on for maybe 20 mlles...That's already big. Too big for some (many!) to wrap their head around, even though it is very small to the scale of the Earh.

But this is very large, to say the least.

Here is the original image, from ESA. the quality of this jpeg is NOT what we should expect from ESA, for the money we give them. They probably have the same reason as JPL I'm guessing, a quick count gave me at least 50 points of interest .to look at closely.

The star-formation region in this image, centred around –70º longitude in galactic coordinates, is located in the Carina neighbourhood, home to the glorious Carina Nebula. Located some 7500 light-years away, Carina is one of the largest clouds of gas and dust in the plane of the Milky Way. It hosts the famous Eta Carinae, one of the most luminous and massive stellar systems in our galaxy.

I had been resting my eyes, and taking my mind off of this for a week or so, and I was simplty doing a bit of cleanup in my files today, not even looking for stuff....

It's actually difficult to isolate aniomalies when they are so tightly packed togethen. So I circled some points that would be easier for most people to start with.

The other reason I find this embarassing, is that there are already too many weird things that have happened to me, an possibly to other anomaly hunters out there. Plus the Horus thing, and as an engineer, I would have liked to keep things a 'rational' as possible. I am quite certain by now, these are he same builders... But the scale is beyond anything we can imagine ourseves ever achieving. As for the purpose of it, your guess would be as good as mine, and we'd probably be way off the mark.

This would be a lot simpler if we weren't in the midst of a 5D event (This little monkey showed me the way, after all), and if JPL wasn't tied to satanists by its founder Jack Parsons, and if the masons weren't into Isis. Don't look at me, I'm not the one building oblelisks everywhere I go.

Here I tried to map out the general structure of the 'object' Which really broughft out the anomaly circled in the think line that was supposed to be orange, but came out red and yellow... That is also embarassing... :) Anyway, these markers are there to show where to look on the original...

Make sure you have a good look ate the blue area, center of the image. Use you best monitoir as the hues are very subtle. You may want to play with different white temperatures if your monitor supports it.

As "embarassing" as these observatios are. I truly believe thet we have to look up there if we ever want to find out who or what the builders are. We'll find out soon for sure. I am more and more certain our species has already ad contact with them before, and the list of suspects is not that long.

As always: The image viewer on this site is not so good. I suggest you donwload the image and explore from there with you favorite photo viewer.

Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by tika. Reason: Darn typo. There are probably more.

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4 years 10 months ago - 4 years 10 months ago #15409 by tika
Replied by tika on topic The Builders
Let's get down back to Earth and see if what we observed so far can be applied to some of our oldest and best known mysteries. After all, that is where I've been wanting to get to at all this time.

To understand this next site, we have to go back to Dallol. If you need to refresh your memory, or are new to this topic please see/review these posts about Dalol, which is essentially a lake of sulphuric acid:

Posts from #15244 to #15268 (Venus) . Yes, Venus is very similar, since its atmosphere is saturated with sulphuric acid...

I circled in red the spots that got me interested straight away.

According to the Builders theory, all of the material in that lake was once orbiting our planet... From observation, it seems this white material made for space reacts violently to water and air, and produces sulphuric acid (note the large yellow spot, which indicates the source of sulphur, but only near the surface of the lake).

When the reaction is complete, we are left with mineralized material, basically mud, which will naturally harden after drying, and whatever structural elements the acid could not get to. We should then find traces or remnants of a similar chemical reaction everywhere on the planet. These remnants would include dried composite rocks, those would be feldspaths: granite, marble...

Note that these rocks do not react with sulphuric acid, which is entirely consistent with the kind of by-products we should expect.

We should also find imprints in these rocks, the builders used different materials in their constructions and these likely dissolve more or less quickly in acid. These imprints should of course display 'pure' geometric forms, and show no tool marks... We can also surmise that as these imprint are from half-eaten structures, the way most of them will be arranged will baffle all logical architectural explanation. We should also find traces of layering, crusting, etc... The common features of materials that have deposited in a liquid over time. then dried in air.

Let's start with Dwarfie Stane, Isle of Hoy, Scotland.

Note there are no toolmarks, and effects of erosion are close to nil INSIDE the rocky outcrop.

It's called Dwarfie Stane, because of its impractical size for regular humans. Notice the traces of layering on the rock, and crusting (in the form of broken layers) on top.

The 'blocking stone" also shows a nice imprint.

Zooming on the blocking stone from first image:

And changing exposure / gamma to bring out telltale details on the surface of the stone.

Last edit: 4 years 10 months ago by tika. Reason: Added an image

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4 years 10 months ago #15410 by tika
Replied by tika on topic The Builders
In the news...

On the MrMBB333 channel today.


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Thank you to everyone who has stuck by the YouTube channel and to all of our admins and forum users here on the channel.   They really have kept the website current while I have been busy taking care of things in my personal life.   I promised that the next video would be a long one and have a LOT to look at.  You can get lost in these Gigapans and I really hope that you do!  I spent a lot of time stitching these together and making sure that they were the best quality that I could get them.  SOL 1448 really has been a goldmine for anomaly hunters and those people who are just hobbiest.  I really hope you enjoy this one and expect much more to come from the latest batches of images!



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