file What are these objects in my moon pictures?

9 years 11 months ago - 9 years 11 months ago #643 by vsl67

I am stunned at the amazing quality you are getting! I'm not sure if they would be crater edges or not. I am just looking in purchasing my first telescope rig but want to make sure it's compatible with pictures so I can share. Thank you for sharing and I hope you keep sharing them here!![/quote

thank Will you are welcome to use them 7n a you tube video if you think they are good enough
a couple things I will add none of the pictures have been enhanced or modified other being cropped
I will happily send the originals to you a closer look if you want them and have found other anomalies in some too small to show so I stick with the obvious objects
Also an intersring thing the photo of the first tower looking object is at the 3 oclock position and the second structure is at 6 oclock position looking from th southern hemisphere so coincidence?
And taking these pictures are more of luck than anything else if it is picture bleed asvsuggest or something there I dont know but they do appear in other pictures Of the same moon phase months apart in the same spots and not in others of different phases but the "z" anomolie with the shuttle/arow head symetricle object with its nose overhannging a crator cant be dismissed easily
cheers Glen
Cheers Glen

Last edit: 9 years 11 months ago by vsl67. Reason: spelling

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9 years 11 months ago #644 by vsl67
Ok im still going through my pictures and have been sitting on ththese for a while
circled first is the most commom anomolie present in nearly all pictures although faint
the second circle is of what look to right angled wall / ruins or mountains ? Or possibly a trick of light?
Agian pictres in order of zoom and not enhanced

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9 years 11 months ago #645 by vsl67
Heres the same object circled as above (ffirst circle ) note shape
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9 years 11 months ago - 9 years 11 months ago #646 by vsl67
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One of my favorite pictures with plenty of anomalies especially the crator rim bridge again not enhanced
Last edit: 9 years 11 months ago by vsl67.

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9 years 11 months ago #647 by vsl67
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Circled top another "z" shape bottom circled the first "z" no longer visible

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9 years 11 months ago #648 by Todd

what is youre take on the "z" shape object

I don't really know, the Moon is one big anomaly itself anyway. The Moon is not completely round, kind of like an egg shaped golf ball with the large end pointing at us. The shadows are elongated on the Lunar terminator making the details appear exaggerated. So I think the "Z" is just an array of lit crater rims and exaggerated geological features at different altitudes. But, don't let my skepticism deter you. The pics look good and if you keep at it, You'll get better and better images. One thing is for sure, Olympus is good at making stable automatic zoom lenses.

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9 years 11 months ago #649 by vsl67

what is youre take on the "z" shape object

I don't really know, the Moon is one big anomaly itself anyway. The Moon is not completely round, kind of like an egg shaped golf ball with the large end pointing at us. The shadows are elongated on the Lunar terminator making the details appear exaggerated. So I think the "Z" is just an array of lit crater rims and exaggerated geological features at different altitudes. But, don't let my skepticism deter you. The pics look good and if you keep at it, You'll get better and better images. One thing is for sure, Olympus is good at making stable automatic zoom lenses.

Thanks Todd IM 2 minds the skeptic & rational thinking says opticle illusion if theyre are what they appear to be them they must be Massive and should have been found before but some of the
anomalies are visible to the nakec eye wawhile taking the pictures
I also wonder with thee arths axis atand pole changes beening reported that we will start seeing parts of the moon that werent visible before?

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