file Apollo 15 Video - Picture Proof of Life

9 years 6 months ago #1909 by Cruisedad
Apollo 15 Video - Picture Proof of Life was created by Cruisedad
Well, I won't make this to long, as most of those who study this stuff already know, and the others don't want to know, or think it crazy. I took this image out of the Apollo 15 video below. My opinion of what the pictures shows is pointed out on the images :)

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #1910 by Todd
Replied by Todd on topic Apollo 15 Video - Picture Proof of Life
The "contact" he is referring to is the spot on the ground where the soil sample was scooped up and removed at Geology Station 2.
I have heard people talk about the Apollo 15 ufo for years, but to me, it seems like a sunlit hill in the background. I believe the same hill is in these images from a different viewpoint.
You might find these interesting. ;)
Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Todd. Reason: spell
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dawn

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #1914 by Cruisedad
Replied by Cruisedad on topic Apollo 15 Video - Picture Proof of Life
Thanks for your reply Todd. You know this is one of those things where you'll always have believers on both sides of the fence, until someone at NASA steps up to the plate and tells us what's real, and whats not. I have to wonder though...why NASA or whoever they answer to, manipulates all the videos and images that we're allowed to see. We all see this constantly with pictures at 75% quality, fake sand layered on, or images so pixelized you can't make heads or tales of what they're hiding. Even the latest stuff from Cere's looks fishy. I think you were the one who uploaded the Cere's images today, and thank you for that, but in dissecting one of them, I'm finding what appears to be fake craters, that have been strategically placed over structures in some of the craters to hide what ever is behind them. I'm seeing structures with edges suspiciously overhanging the crater, crater edges with 90 degree saw tooth edges, and crater shadows facing the wrong direction. It also appears that there's smoke or steam coming up through the layer's on some of the fake craters. There does seem to be some manipulation going on here, wether you believe it or not.
Todd, I'd like to think NASA is being totally honest and upright about everything with us, and that the images we are seeing are as clean and non altered as they see.
To be honest with you I think I get more enjoyment out of just tearing into these images and having fun seeing what I can find. Everything that we put on Will's website is fiction until proven non-fiction anyway!! :huh: :unsure: :blush: :woohoo: :evil:
I have got to admit, I consider you very informed, and an important part of this forum. I consider you the "point - counter point" man!! Thanks for all your input ;) Thank you too for the images you just uploaded. I'm looking forward to doing some work (fun) on em!!! :)
Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Cruisedad.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dawn

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9 years 6 months ago #1928 by Todd
Replied by Todd on topic Apollo 15 Video - Picture Proof of Life
I think a still frame from what is likely multi-generational video data just does not provide adequate details for analysis. I try to stay objective and it's challenging. It's a quandary to determine just what data is real if there is some shenanigans going on, so I find it difficult for me to get married to any one specific theory. Personally, I look for what is in the images as opposed to what's not, or perhaps should be, in them. Chris from the Mars Anomalies channel is very good at finding potential flaws with the image data itself, but I find formulating that kind of analysis personally tedious. :cheer: You might like this, it's transferred from AS15'S 16mm movie film. ;)
I personally find the Apollo 15 surface mission to be kind of boring, but the orbital stuff is fantastic.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dawn

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9 years 6 months ago #1987 by Dawn
Replied by Dawn on topic Apollo 15 Video - Picture Proof of Life
Thanks for posting those links again, I knew I had seen them but couldn't for the life of me remember where!


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