lock Curiosity Rover Composites on GigaPan

6 years 5 months ago #13366 by RocketDawg
Replied by RocketDawg on topic Curiosity Rover Composites on GigaPan

Here are composites made from Mastcam images taken on Sol 1876, 1877 & 1879.



Hmm ... there's a "face" on the lower image of the two, right hand side. It's even wearing a hat. :P You have to turn your head about 60 degrees counterclockwise.
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6 years 5 months ago #13377 by Glitch_Neo
Replied by Glitch_Neo on topic Curiosity Rover Composites on GigaPan
MSL Curiosity Rover - Sol(s) 2002 & 2003 Composite [Pds]

(Single images are from 2003)


MSL Sol 1931 cropped mosaic ............. pds attempt 2 and i'm done with this set of images in such a large set :sick:

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6 years 5 months ago - 6 years 5 months ago #13379 by RocketDawg
Replied by RocketDawg on topic Curiosity Rover Composites on GigaPan

MSL Curiosity Rover - Sol(s) 2002 & 2003 Composite [Pds]

(Single images are from 2003)


MSL Sol 1931 cropped mosaic ............. pds attempt 2 and i'm done with this set of images in such a large set :sick:


1931 looks familiar. It this the one that Chris says contains a roadway (the streak across the center) and ruined buildings? I looked at his site and couldn't find the video.
Last edit: 6 years 5 months ago by . Reason: FIFY.
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6 years 5 months ago #13380 by Todd
Replied by Todd on topic Curiosity Rover Composites on GigaPan
It's looking better. I almost have something for 1931, it won't be perfect. :silly:
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6 years 5 months ago #13381 by Glitch_Neo
Replied by Glitch_Neo on topic Curiosity Rover Composites on GigaPan

It's looking better. I almost have something for 1931, it won't be perfect. :silly:

I look forward to it Todd - I just about had enough of the "valves" getting hot and popping in my hand crank abacus... *cough* ... PC.... *cough* :ohmy: :lol: :blink:

MSL Curiosity Rover - Sol(s) 2002 & 2003 Composite [Pds]

(Single images are from 2003)


MSL Sol 1931 cropped mosaic ............. pds attempt 2 and i'm done with this set of images in such a large set :sick:


1931 looks familiar. It this the one that Chris says contains a roadway (the streak across the center) and ruined buildings? I looked at his site and couldn't find the video.

I think it is, it certainly looks as if it could be a "Road" or "Plaza" I'm particularly curious about this feature... (see Pic)

I'll eat my hat if it's not a building with the entrance visible,,,,, :ohmy:

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6 years 5 months ago #13382 by RocketDawg
Replied by RocketDawg on topic Curiosity Rover Composites on GigaPan
Glitch, you joke about your abacus ... but way back in times past when I was a co-op student, calculators had not been invented and computers took up an entire large room. We had an IBM360 in the basement of our building that was sort of self service (you had to take your cards down and feed them into the machine), or the real computing power was in the "Comp Lab" ... a gigantic area that housed nothing but computers. At that time, the best was a Univac 1108.

Offices typically had Friden (www.google.com/search?q=friden+calculator&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=ivdGG8mk0OjUoM%253A%252CWGP1kMMqTk0hlM%252C_&usg=AFrqEzeod6Ko5GIWsguqRqR8giexk3y2Cw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjxvfuozOzcAhUnWN8KHVw1Ds0Q9QEwAnoECAAQBA#imgrc=ivdGG8mk0OjUoM:) or Marchant calculators (www.google.com/search?q=marchant+calculator&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=JSdNuuDMxGxNPM%253A%252CfEE0Y8p0xJhHzM%252C_&usg=AFrqEzfM93KDZpe615v2bwBCHqWZ5J8PsQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI9MbIzOzcAhVMMd8KHTZDBwEQ9QEwA3oECAAQBA#imgrc=DpIf_xVmgwWGDM:), or perhaps both. It was interesting to watch them rattle and basically jump up and down doing there thing ... but they could multiply to 16 digits, and some coud even extract square roots. They were a massive thing, probably weighed about 50 lbs and were about the size of an old-fashioned CRT computer monitor.

But the Saturn V was designed and built, and we went to the moon, using such devices that now seem quite primitive. And it didn't take long. Nowadays our computers have enabled us to run so many options that we never do get to the answer we want ... always got to run ONE more option ... it might be better.

Sometimes simpler things are really better.
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6 years 5 months ago #13383 by Glitch_Neo
Replied by Glitch_Neo on topic Curiosity Rover Composites on GigaPan

Glitch, you joke about your abacus ...


Saturn V was designed and built, and we went to the moon, using such devices that now seem quite primitive.

And it didn't take long. Nowadays our computers have enabled us to run so many options that we never do get to the answer we want ... always got to run ONE more option ... it might be better.

Sometimes simpler things are really better.

I whole heatedly agree Rocket Dawg -

Technology for the last 10 years or so has been the bane of my life, Now it's one comparability issue or hot fix after another, driver woes, web site module hiccup etc - and of course badly coded software with no real de-bugging help or company support! other than some random forum in china... It sucks when you know more than the guy at the help desk and your stumped.. lol

I have become (Sadly lol) the go to guy in my social circles for anyone with a technology / hardware / software issue.... Anything from replacing screens to virus removal - recent;y it's been using the ODBII format to get into car ECU's ICU's etc as a cheap diagnostic fro a friend who has just opened a garage onhis own... everythings getting more complicated and computer reliant.... Sometimes I find myself scouring GitHub and the like for fixes that are being ignored by manufactures and developers..... It drives me mad.

I won't shy away from the challenge of learning new things... but the air is blue at times! I have a Sony Laptop to repair at the mo - and this ones filling the "swear Jar" rapidly.... :lol: :blush:

from Credit card terminal to my sons PC's Playstation's / tablets mobiles, laptops i'll try and fix anything...

Now the REAL amazement of the technology and power in the palm of our hand is well often overlooked - A super computer the size of pack of cigarettes or smaller! We went to the moon on the computing power of a "One Dollar" Chinese calculator - And for sure achieved so much with so little - Quite the polar opposite now eh?! the power to compute huge data instantly - and not really reached even half the potential of achievement :blush: :blink:

I have a phone that has a cache on the cpu bigger then the RAM / Memory on my first SINCLAIR ZX Spectrum - it had a whopping 48k! You can hardly save 600 word in a .doc file now yet the thing, clunky and weird as it was at the time (Tape player as the data medium)

Line 10 "Run"
Line 20 "Load" : "Jet Set Willy"
....... Wait.... Play! :cheer:

Me and the wife both say quite often how nice it was without the "Matrix" & "Big Brother" all around us - We had freedom, and a lot less of the Social snobbery and keeping up with the Jones's

"Eh, back in the day - when we had 3 TV channels!"
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Thank you to everyone who has stuck by the YouTube channel and to all of our admins and forum users here on the channel.   They really have kept the website current while I have been busy taking care of things in my personal life.   I promised that the next video would be a long one and have a LOT to look at.  You can get lost in these Gigapans and I really hope that you do!  I spent a lot of time stitching these together and making sure that they were the best quality that I could get them.  SOL 1448 really has been a goldmine for anomaly hunters and those people who are just hobbiest.  I really hope you enjoy this one and expect much more to come from the latest batches of images!



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