file NASA Scientists Seek Fossils of Ancient Mars' Life --"Was There a Common Ancestor? Maybe We're All Martians"

6 years 8 months ago - 6 years 8 months ago #12537 by Glitch_Neo
Isn't it amusing how an Idea such as this, or even the notion that life once existed elsewhere only a few years ago was pretty much ridiculed and lumped into the "Conspiracy" section of society - thus making sure the general public wouldn't take it seriously :ohmy:

Very much like the way History has been stuck to it's "Biblical Narrative" and anyone who challenged the idea was either ridiculed and worse had their careers wiped out... Treated as laughable and stupid ideas - thus creating an almost subconscious feeling among the public that if you think "outside" of the box, evidence or not - your a loon or again Conspiracy weirdo...

Now we are seeing the start of a conscious change in the public and how we see the world / universe around us -

Old school rhetoric and lies are no longer so easy to sell to the sheepul.

The knowledge base and sheer ease of information gathering now is amazing compared to the past -
The internet not only has a "dark" side - But it can enlighten and teach and have far reaching implications for our future and hopefully more open minded generations too come.

Thank "god / allah / bhudda / the Ether" for the pioneers in outside the box thinking -
in Ancient times Leonardo Da Vinci dared to seek out knowledge that was banned - Putting his own life at risk for the greater good of understanding - to modern times with Erich von Däniken ignoring the mocking and seeking his own path of understanding at his own financial and academical risk.

ALL of Humanities History and Science should be an open and ever adjusting book - based on our incomplete / ever increasing knowledge base and evidence 'as and when' we get the latest information -

A conclusion based on a few old books, that are actually based on even older books IS NOT right....(Gilgamesh)

Just like its NOT right to compare everything in the cosmos / space to our little planet Earth - whilst referencing narrow minded ideas like the "Bible" or "Koran" as "Truth"

... the more we find out, the more we realise our tiny speck of the universe is vastly different to even the next closest Solar / planetary system - It's pretty arrogant of Humanity to think we are so special in the vast cosmos to be unique and the ONLY intelligent civilisation or planet with life.

Infinite combinations of the universes building blocks would surly create more than a few naked monkeys with Ideas??
Last edit: 6 years 8 months ago by Glitch_Neo.
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6 years 8 months ago #12538 by RocketDawg
I think it was the Brookings Report around 1960 that said the human race couldn't stand finding out that life exists elsewhere, that it would basically cause a collapse of societies and religions worldwide. I'm not sure that was true when the report was written, and I'm fairly certain that its not the case now. I really don't see that religions demand that life be restricted to Earth. Religion and life elsewhere in the universe just don't seem mutually exclusive to me. Apparently the notion doesn't exist even with the Vatican any more, since they said a few years ago that they admit that there might be life elsewhere.

Many of our founding fathers (when we were fighting you Brits, Glitch :P ) were open to the notion of life on other planets, but I suspect that most of the general public never really seriously considered it. The idea was certainly considered heretical in the Middle Ages, and led to the death of some early scientists for even that everything might not be Earth-centric.

I would think that a poll today would show that most people are open to the idea and even embrace it.
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