file Humanoids and Insectoids Intermingling

9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #1642 by Cruisedad
Humanoids and Insectoids Intermingling was created by Cruisedad
Here is one example that I found of the human and insect types walking among each other. This is right near the large pyramid. The humanoids face structure looks a lot different then ours with the cheek bone area more prominent and blending in to the top of the ear. The men I've seen have been wider or stockier. They have squarer faces with long noses. The women seem thinner with smaller noses. The ear areas seem a lot bigger and quite unusual looking.
The baby that the man is holding (if real) seems to be an insect child with the big ears and antennas. The ears are covered with either a headset or ear muffs. One gentleman with glasses on appears to be shooting a picture or video with a camera. Behind him is an insect creature that you get a pretty good view of. He or she seem like the're mid stride walking toward the man with the camera. They are surrounded by insect types, and I get the sense that they get along since the man humanoid is holding a baby insect type. Between the woman and man facing her there is another man's face and directly behind the woman is a large insect type.
The next picture is zoomed out more and you can see the pyramid and all the life going on around it. The picture is pretty self explanatory. These pictures were inverted and various work was done to bring out the hidden stuff. The cars and trucks you see kind of remind me of our cars from the 1940's and 50's (hint)
The pyramid seems to me to be like a huge city with structures poking out all over it. The same goes for the smaller one on the left also. There are buildings all over the area beneath the pyramid. Bridges and roads are seen as well as smaller structures.

This I call the shrine (my opinion), which the woman appeared to be looking at. It has a lot of carved rock and other things that make it appear that way.
This whole area is just covered with buildings, insect people and humans. The're all pixelized or covered by NASA, but with a little, or a lot of work you can drag them out.
Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by Cruisedad.

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