compress Terrified Mother and Child

9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #1829 by Cruisedad
Terrified Mother and Child was created by Cruisedad
This is an image that rkup had posted under "head on tip of rock/gun turret",and it caught my interest. What I ended up finding was what appeared to be a mother and child hiding in what I think is some kind of monument, or statue to a reptilian looking creature. It's hollow and open on one side, and the closer I looked, two faces started to appear. It appears to me (my opinion) that this is a humanoid mother and child hiding in fear, the mother has her eyes closed, and appears to be holding up the child in her left arm. I believe NASA has hidden a lot of this monument in NASA Mars soil in order to keep us from seeing them. They have also covered parts of their bodies with large blue pixels.
They could be hiding for many a reason, one of which might be Curiosity came up on them, which is my first belief. Check the images out :)

Cropped and labeled image

Cropped image unlabeled

Hiding spot, marked in red

Hiding spot, unmarked
rkup's image - full image
Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Cruisedad.

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