check NASA Saturn Mission Prepares for 'Ring-Grazing Orbits'

7 years 8 months ago #9089 by ??

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7 years 8 months ago #9140 by ??

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7 years 8 months ago #9148 by ??
Grand Finale Orbit #11

Orbit 281 - June 26 - July 3

During this orbit, Cassini’s Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) observes the edge of Saturn’s atmosphere, studying airglow, auroras and hydrocarbons — scientists need more information about Saturn’s hydrocarbon distribution to improve models of how sunlight affects the chemistry of the planet’s upper atmosphere.

The spacecraft’s Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) maps the temperature and composition of Saturn’s north polar vortex at the highest resolution of the mission so far.

Cassini’s Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) captures a movie of Saturn’s south polar region. It is the closest and sharpest near-infrared movie to date of the intricate structure and complex movements of features in and around the south polar vortex.

During this orbit’s ring-plane crossing, the spacecraft is oriented such that its high-gain antenna (the big dish) faces forward (called HGA to RAM) to help shield the spacecraft from ring particles.

After ring-plane crossing, Cassini completes an engineering checkout of the spacecraft’s sun sensor assembly to be sure it wasn’t damaged when the high-gain antenna shielded the spacecraft during ring-plane crossing.

During this orbit, Cassini gets within 2,320 miles (3,720 kilometers) of Saturn’s 1-bar level. Cassini also passes within 2,480 miles (3,980 kilometers) of the inner edge of Saturn’s D ring.


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7 years 8 months ago #9170 by ??

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7 years 8 months ago #9208 by ??

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7 years 8 months ago #9257 by ??

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7 years 8 months ago - 7 years 8 months ago #9274 by ??
Grand Finale Orbit #12

Orbit 282 - July 3 - July 9

During this orbit, Cassini’s Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) stares at the star Kappa Canis Majoris, as parts of the C ring and A ring pass between the spacecraft and the star. The spacecraft’s Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) observes the occultation as well.

Cassini’s imaging cameras, the Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS), observes some of Saturn’s known ring propeller features, then targets the border region of the F ring and A ring to study ring dynamics there.

Cassini’s UVIS instrument also studies small-scale structures in the rings.

During this orbit’s ring-plane crossing, the spacecraft is oriented such that its high-gain antenna (the big dish) faces forward (called “HGA to RAM”) to help shield the spacecraft from ring particles.

Also during ring-plane crossing, in the brief period in which impacts are most likely, the Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument "listens" for the impacts of ring particles, which produce detectable plasma clouds when they strike the spacecraft. The antenna protrudes several meters beyond the protection of the high-gain antenna and so still detects impacts.

During this orbit, Cassini gets within 2,320 miles (3,730 kilometers) of Saturn’s 1-bar level. Cassini also passes within 2,470 miles (3,980 kilometers) of the inner edge of Saturn’s D ring.

Bar (unit) (Wikipedia)

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